Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Chess T-Shirt Designs

Just a quick update to let everyone know that we should have 2 new chess t-shirts available in the next month or so. I'll try to put up a sneak peak when we are a little closer to our release date.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kings of California

Tyler Fraser is a photographer who posts his stuff at Kings of California.

His subjects are the chess players at public tables throughout California. Here are a few of my favorites:

Seriously, let's look at the pic just above. What do we have here?

Illegal gambling? Check.
Suspicious police officer? Check.
Make-shift chess table six inches from a major street? Check.
The Bible held together by some duct tape? Check.
Cut-off jeans that are way too short? Check.

Take some time to check out the pictures...they tell some great stories.

Great job, Tyler!

There are so many good people working for chess. Our time will come.